Sunday, July 22, 2012

Poodle Body Language

The Very Poodley Mom shares with you:

Like humans, Poodles have a lot to say. Unlike humans, who don't always say what we mean, Poodles would SPILL THEIR GUTS if they had enough English words in their vocabulary. Sadly, this is not the case and most of us have a limited knowledge of the Poodle language (known as Poodelese), so communication can sometimes be frustrating for both you and your dog. The good news is you can easily interpret what your poodle is saying to you by his stance and postures. Below are some examples of Poodle body language and the translation into the English language.
The Poodle is:
Lying in a heap at your feet:
Translation: I'm tired
Lying in a heap on your bed:
Translation: I'm tired
Lying in a heap on Aunt Wilma's new goose down winter coat:
Translation: I really like Aunt Wilma's new coat
Standing in front of you, eyes popped out, tail wagging:
Translation: I want something
Standing in front of you, eyes popped out, tail wagging vigourously:
Translation: I want something NOW
Standing in front of you, eyes popped out, tail plastered to butt:
Translation: I have to POOP, you idiot! Take me OUT!!
potty training

When returning from a walk and approaching the front door, your poodle plants his feet firmly on the ground and refuses to move:
Translation: I'm not finished with my walk yet
When you've leashed him up inside and you're standing in front of the door, your poodle plants his feet firmly on the carpet and refuses to move:
Translation: I'm not ready for my walk yet
Poodle is jumping up and down in front of the door like a wallaby:
Translation: NOW I'm ready
Poodle sits in front of the coffee table (dinner table, countertop, bureau, etc.) staring intently at nothing while whining pitifully:
Translation: I'm bored
Poodle sits in front of coffee table (dinner table, countertop, bureau, etc.) staring intently and whining pitifully after you've offered him everything ON the coffee table (dinner table, ete, etc)
Translation: I'm bored and I bet you are too
Poodle sits in front of coffee table (etc) staring and whining after you've offered him everthing IN THE HOUSE:
Translation:Isn't this fun?
These are just a few example of Poodles physical expressions of their innermost thoughts. If your poodle has some body language that is uniquely his (or hers) (or yours) please share it with us here so together we can build a road to understanding our Poodles.